Dolman Family Farm

A good LGD is worth their weight in gold …

Parmi watching her piglets play. A good Livestock Guardian is worth their weight in gold. They have it bred into them through generations. Parmi knows her job is stick close and keep on the piglets but not so close as to distress momma.


The piglets have arrived ! Little April Fools babies.


This weekend we welcomed Tilly to our breeding program. She is a registered IPP gilt and should be having her first litter the beginning of 2025. We are exciting to be growing !

Stay tuned for more.

3 days til piglets. EEEK! A week of pouring rain. A day running down south for pig grain. Visiting our pig friends. Picking up our new breeding gilt. Doctor appointments. Finally getting our truck back from the shop just in time for the chaos. Work. Easter this weekend. Ya know being a mom. A wife.

It all starts with an early morning cup of coffee taking it all in.

There is never dull moment on the farm.

Release the hostages!

Bonnie is our main sow, and she is due on March 28th 2024. We are patiently awaiting for the arrival of her new additions. Her milk line is starting to fill in and I will be surprised if she makes it to her due date! at this time all of her piglets are spoken for.

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